
Online Docs First Class

Yesterday, the fit hit the proverbial shan. I prepped a completely remediated first class where the students would show up in the computer classrooms and have to accomplish a set of tasks via electronic mediation (a sort of remediated scavenger hunt). I made an intro video that served as a useless avatar and pointed to the empty position of the "instructor" in these situations. Students then would have to use the pdfs, emails, and web photos, etc. to accomplish the tasks and eventually network their way to me in the Student Union (with me there waiting to "take attendance" on my laptop).

One Problem--the wireless connectivity I was relying upon the Student Union Building was down. I don't know why, but I'm blaming the construction to convert the local coffeeshop into a Starbucks.


I had to trudge across campus right before class and walk the students through the usually-boring tasks in meatspace.

In some ways, it is a perfect illustration of how new technologies can disrupt ethos constructions. Instead of *teaching* students about the technology, a new lesson *asserted itself* on the class, and mostly me.

Completely painful.

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