Today, Fargo made it up to 41 degrees. How did sport and I celebrate this near-record event? We went for a run, of course.

I didn't even bother to groom, the sunny joy had me so intoxicated.

I know. I'm getting dangerously close...

The best part was that our chosen detour from course prepping included the ability to wear shorts in the January weather.
Shorts! Shorts! Shorts!
Even when I lived in more hostile climes, 41 degrees was never running-in-shorts weather for me. You guys are tough, man!
Hey, is that the back of your building? (or the front)?
That's sort of the "front" (it used to be a railroad freighthouse, so it wasn't built for "curbside appeal." The entrance is on that side, so I would call it "front."
I'm actually getting softer. When I was at Penn State, "shorts" weather unofficially started at 32 degress and under 10 mph winds.
Not softer. Smarter. Undergrads are notorious for poor judgment regarding body coverings.
While I might agree with your assessment of undergraduate judgment, I was actually studying for my M.A. degree.
Maybe that explains my stubby mass transit conveyance...
Ha ha. Ah yes. I forgot about that. Well, we can blame the California-ness of your undergrad experience then for befuddling you and carrying over into later years...
Wow. At 41 degrees in Sacto, I'm wearing turtleneck sweaters and complaining about the cold.
I feel incredibly soft now.
lc, Kace seems to confirm your suspicions of SoCal softening.
A balmy 41 degrees! I didn't even think about the shorts untill I saw the comments. What struck me was the uncanny resemblance to Zoolander and that you were turning LEFT.
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