

Snow is much like any change in life. When it first "happens," it pretty much stinks (unless you watch it from a distance--then, it is "pretty," or at least "interesting"). After the deluge, snow provides a needed challenge. It's fun, even.


Anonymous said...

Are you taunting me? It's only fun for you because while Sport is marginally sporty, she does not aim a snowball very well, while running from one aimed at her...

Doc Mara said...

I dunno. You aimed plenty of "snow missiles" properly. After all, if they were so off target, how did I catch them and re-launch them so successfully?

Anonymous said...

More taunting and you didn't even mention my grammar - thanks.

Anonymous said...

I. can. hardly. read.
Blinded. by. Sport's. bad. grammar....
(Never taunt the grammar police.)